sell with us

Reach a new audience & expand your brand


Looking for a new way to sell your items? now stocks small and independent brands, allowing us to handle everything from start to finish so that you, the brands can focus on creating products. Products we will will be online and in-store. We will manage sales, photography, shipments, marketing and more. By holding stock by brands, we can create a unique where customers can shop 100's of brands worldwide with 1 shipping fee. In store, our customers can shop your pieces in person.

product images

Send us samples of stock, we shoot it in our studio & add them to our website.

Your stock

Send us your physical stock for sales on & to display in store.

we ship for you

When your items sale on, we pack & ship everything for you.

Who we are is an independently ran fashion site. Set up by 2 sisters with a passion for independent fashion, both Katie & Lauren want to bring fierce competition to fast fashion sites by offering a high quality, uniformed fast service to customers. In contract, the products will be made the right way, and all products will be by the real makers & creatives.

how it works

Do you think your products will fit into Wild Thing? If you meet our joining requirements (below) we'd love to know more about you and see if we’re a good fit for your brand. You'll be able to apply online, where you can tell us a bit about you, your products & ethos. Once you've applied we will be in touch to discuss what products to send us. Below we’ve got more information on how this will work.


When a brand applies and we mutually feel this will be a good fit, we work with the brands themselves to agree on which items will be stocked on & in store. We can begin with just 1 style - there's no pressure! The items we are looking to stock are either from your current collection, or we can work together to create exclusive Wild Thing collab products. We aim to stock various items which bring its own personality and doesn’t clash with existing stock on


Once we’ve agreed on the products with you, we can then agree on quantities to be sent to us. We usually request small quantities to be shipped to us initially to see how it sells, but it does vary for different products and it’s current demand. If items are selling well, we’d like brands to ship additional stock to us to cope with demand and access this as we go.


The next step will be sending us product samples. Using your samples, Wild Thing will shoot the product photography in our studio. You then have the option to have the sample piece put into our wardrobe (more on this below) or re-bagged ready for storage & added to stock levels.


You’ll be given access to a seller portal on Wild Thing. Through the portal, you’ll be able to set up your product listings which will show on The product will sit as a draft product until we’ve completed the product photography. We will add in images & mark your listing as live once we’ve received your inventory stock.


Your products will be held in our secure storage space awaiting orders. When an item sells, we will fulfill the order on your behalf. We will send you automated emails letting you know when an item of yours sells, and when we dispatch it. You’ll be able to view your orders, stats & invoices through your seller portal. We will provide all shipping information to the customer, as well as manage all communication & refunds.


You'll be automatically paid after your product is marked as dispatched. Wild Thing’s commission will be figured out on the total due to you, and will be deducted from your payment.


We charge 30% commission for restockale products.

Commission is higher for one of a kind products like vintage & 1 off samples.

This fee covers the following:

Product photography & editing | Model costs | Storage space | Display of products in store | Staff in store | Shipping & handling from our packing team | All customer service involved in the sale including any pre-sales. After-sales & returns | Marketing & advertising | Covers any discount applied using codes from members of our Ambassador program | Covers any fees from Paypal, Klarna & card transactions | Covers all website maintenance costs.


Our platform is a little unique in the way our business model is built.
We’ve tried to make it as friendly as possible to independents.
Benefits include:


We’re not asking for any upfront costs. The stock will always belong to you and any unsold stock can be returned to you.


We take away the “Shit jobs” from brands who just want to focus on what they do best - creating and designing. You do what you do best, and we do the rest!


We showcase our Wild Thing brands in-store. Shop sales will be connected to, so any sale you get in store will be paid over to you just like an online sale. With live stock updates, it'll be a great way to get your customers nationwide to view your products in person.


Reels & video footage will be created for you to share & promote alongside our socials. Exclusive Wild Thing products will be used on a much more regular basis


The samples you send for our product photography will be used in our wild thing wardrobe unless you opt out. Influencers will be able to "loan" this item out for festivals & other events in exchange for content. Our team will oversee this.

frequently asked questions

Yes! We're happy to try just 1 style of product to begin with. We're happy to discuss further, and if all goes well, look at expanding your collection with us.

This depends on the item type. Our rails space and storage space is all dependent on the time of year & the products you'd like to sell.

More information on this will be provided prior to shipping to us, but products will need to be packaged in a way to go straight into shipping boxes. For example, you can package up your items in individual poly bags with your promotional material already inside. On the item packaging, you'll need to print your brand name, size
& item title. This can either be as a sticker or swing tag.

We hope that working on a commission basis will benefit both us & you equally. Wholesale prices leave most brands with little to no profit margins. We feel working at the commission mentioned above and low stock quantities will allow us to accomodate trends & changes. As stock sales, it will leave brands financially better off than wholesale prices.

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

We will be shipping items within 1 working day, and offering standard and express shipping options worldwide.

Items will need to be discussed prior to sending to us. This is to ensure we have a versitle collection without much direct competion between brands.

We will work with you to create an exclusive wild thing item. We will be using this item in Reels & Social media content as a priority. Exclusive means the item is only sold on Wild Thing, so we will be able to focus more on it's promotion.

Yes! We think this is such a great idea, as it will open up a new intenational market to you with lower shipping prices.